Byers, J.A. 1996. Taxokey: a universal taxonomic key program using DOS text files and graphics. Computer Applications in the Biosciences 12:185-189. pdf

Abstract-- Taxokey: bark beetle A program (TAXOKEY.EXE), requiring only a few keystrokes to use, is described as a universal taxonomic key in the identification of plant and animal species by IBM-compatible personal computers. A DOS text file serves as the database Taxokey: grasshopper for a key that can be dichotomous or with multiple choices. TAXOKEY can optionally display color or monochrome screen pictures to illustrate the keys. Additional programs are described that are used to make the keys and check for errors, as well as convert .PCX graphic images for use with TAXOKEY. A second text file can be searched by TAXOKEY for information on particular species descriptions, notes and references.
Download programs: TAXOKEY.ZIP 395K

Two sample keys, which also can be downloaded, are available:
(1) Grüne, S. 1979. Brief Illustrated Key to European Bark Beetles. Verlag M&H Schaper, Hannover.
Download bark beetle images: BARKBEET.ZIP 1349K
Key for European Bark Beetles in Java
Try the key for European Bark Beetles as a Java program on the Internet

(2) Capinera, J.L. and Sechrist, T.S. 1982. Grasshoppers (Acrididae) of Colorado: Identification, biology and management. Colorado State University Experiment Station, Bulletin, no. 584S, 1-161.
Download grasshopper images: GRASSHOP.ZIP 828K
Key for Colorado Grasshoppers in Java
Try the key for Colorado Grasshoppers as a Java program on the Internet

Scientific Software
Related software: PICKEY (universal interactive pictured biological key)
John A. Byers
Chemical Ecology