JavaScript © 1999 by John A. Byers.
Size of Checkerboard: Small Medium Large
RULES of CHECKERS - You are the player with the yellow checkers, move your checkers by clicking on the yellow chip you want to move, wait a second (for program to register), and then click the mouse pointer on the diagonal free spot you want to move to. You may jump in a straight line over a blue checker that is either to the left or right diagonal ahead if the next spot after the blue chip is free (no chip of either color). When you jump over a blue chip you take it (it is removed from board). Illegal moves are noted and not allowed. A second jump, if possible, is taken for you by the computer (so don't get confused). Then the computer moves a blue checker diagonally toward you in the same way, and may hopp over you, thus removing your yellow chip from the checkerboard. Whoever has more checkers when no more moves are possible - WINS!
[Reset] the game to start again. Netscape remembers the game for up to 10 days. Change the size of the checkerboard by clicking a radio knob and then click [Game reset] to adjust for your screen resolution!